Nils Henkel



With his nature-oriented cuisine, chef Nils Henkel stands for an individual and contemporary style of cooking. His colorful and fresh creations are based on the seasons and are an absolute treat for the senses. Nils and his team focus on sustainable, innovative and modern dishes with a strong emphasis on vegetables and create a symbiosis of regional and cosmopolitan cuisine.

Nils Henkel

Located directly on the Rhine, the maritime-style Bootshaus restaurant provides a beautiful setting for the open cuisine of Nils Henkel and his team. With its quaint wooden floor and old wood furniture, bright linen fabrics and leather chairs in a shabby look, the vintage restaurant looks as if it has always been this way. The grand, sweeping view is lake-like, stretching across the river meadows to the Rheingau vineyards. Nils Henkel has developed a symbiosis of regional cuisine (with products from the region) and worldly cuisine with a focus on fish and vegetables for the Bootshaus restaurant. He deliberately focuses on a high-quality and healthy, but relaxed gastronomy concept without star ambitions. The menu includes maritime dishes, modern interpretations of bistro classics, and many a vegetable dish from Henkel's highly acclaimed Flora kitchen.

Nils Henkel

A symbiosis of regional cuisine (with products from the region) and cosmopolitan cuisine with a focus on fish and vegetables is served. Papa Rhein deliberately focuses on a casual gastronomy concept without star ambitions. The menu includes maritime bistro classics as well as dishes from Henkel's vegetable kitchen. Wines from the surrounding growing regions characterize the wine list of the Bootshaus.

Nils Henkel

Nils Henkel and Jan Bolland have known each other for many years through their joint affiliation with the Jeunes Restaurateurs d'Europe, the association of young German top chefs. In addition, they have become friends over the years.

The Hotel   The Bootshaus

Nils Henkel
Fjordforelle, Sesamknusper, Wasabi, Kichererbsen
Nils Henkel
Geschmorter Kohlrabi, Umamijus, Röstzwiebel, Sauerampfer
Nils Henkel
Saiblingfilet, Kopfsalatjus, Nordseekrabben, Brandade
Nils Henkel
Label Rouge Lachs, Kalamansi, Buttermilch, Kichererebsen
Nils Henkel
Steinköhler in Kartoffelkruste, Sauce Bourride, Artischocken
Nils Henkel
Knuspriger Schweinebauch, schwarze Lorbeerjus, Tintenfische, grüne Erbsen
Nils Henkel
Kalbstafelspitz, Kürbis, Blumenkohl, Kernöl
Nils Henkel
Meeräsche, Safran-Aalsud, Fenchel, schwarzes Gemüse
Nils Henkel
Kalbsfilet & Bäckchen, Liebstöckeljus, confierter Spargel
Nils Henkel
Gedämpfter Kabeljau, Kohlrabi, Schnittlauch, Apfelessig
Nils Henkel
Schokoladenfondant, Basilikumsorbet, Banane, Guacamole
Nils Henkel
Karamell Donut, Blutorange, Hibiskuscurry, Ganache