Nils Henkel


But flora and fauna also belong together like meat and fish.

With his Fauna dishes, which contain elements of animal origin throughout, Nils Henkel often takes guests on a culinary journey. The season and regional availability of the products always play a major role in the sense of sustainability. His cuisine is therefore not radically regional. He likes to work with products from Germany, which he combines with international influences and flavor worlds.

Nils Henkel
Mild geräucherter Saibling, Holunderkapern, Brunnenkresse
Nils Henkel
Entenleber, gelierter Birkensaft, Waldpilze
Nils Henkel
Rote Garnele, griechischer Salat, Schafsjoghurt
Nils Henkel
Truthahn Sot l´y laisse , Herbstrübchen, Vadouvanlinsen, Koriander
Nils Henkel
Makrele Marrakesch, Aubergine, Seegurke, Kichererbsen-Couscous
Nils Henkel
Aprikose, Mandel, Porcelanaschokolade, Fichtennadel
Nils Henkel
Hohwachter Räucheraal, grüne Bohnen
Nils Henkel
Gillardeau-Auster, Wachtelei, Schinken, Apfel
Nils Henkel
Rehbock, Sonnenblumenwurzel, Pfifferlinge, Cassis
Nils Henkel
Haferwurzel, Kalbsbries, Steinpilze, wilde Kresse
Nils Henkel
Perlhuhn, Sauce Rouennaise, Puntarelle, Blumenkohl